French Kiss

Charlie. I'm not supposed to leave the
country until my immigration interview.

-I'm taking that.
-No, you're not.

You can make something up.
They'll never know.

Say your cousin Bridget fell in the Seine.
They'll find out I don't have
a cousin Bridget and deport me.

It's like the one time I smoked pot.
I didn't wanna do it in the first place.
I had a horrible time.

Then Ronny Templeton's brother
called the police and we got arrested.

The one time I ever did anything illegal.
They put cheese on both pizzas.
Herb, this is you. You didn't check.

Take it back.
You know Kate hates cheese.

-I'll pick it off.
-Kate, here's the stuff I want from Paris.

-Forget it. Kate's not going to Paris.
-I'm not going.

-Why not? Is it the French thing?
-No. It's the flying thing.

It's not the French or the flying.
I can't leave the country until
my Canadian citizenship comes through.

-Hon, we gotta move it.
-Kate. I almost forgot.

The Merediths have put
their house on the market.

Why are we looking at
a house we can't afford?

There's something I have to tell you.

Since I turned 21,
I've been putting money aside,

every week my adult life,
into a savings account

which I then rolled into high-yield term
deposits with interest rates close to 14%/.

-What are you talking about?
-I've made us a nest egg.

-How many eggs?
-45,782 eggs.

Why didn't you tell me this before?
-I wanted it to be a surprise.
-It's a surprise. It's a big surprise.

So, with a little help from your
parents, we could probably afford this.
