Talkin´ shit.
All you do is smoke weed.
That´s all right.
Don´t worry about what the fuck
l be doin´.
What l´m tripping on
is how you gonna sell bud...
and you smoking it.
l don´t know.
That´s my only problem.
Worm gonna end up
fucking you up.
Big Worm ain´t gonna do a thing!
All right.
Look, he need me.
Red told me he smoked a fool
for 50 bucks.
l don´t give a fuck.
l need you to go to the store
and get me cigarettes.
Give me the money.
Wait a minute. What´s this?
This ain´t enough.
Make it enough.
Let me wash your car for §2.00.
All you gonna do is smoke it up.
l don´t smoke no more.
Buy me a 40-ounce
for my birthday.