
What´s up?
What´d you tell him?
l told him we were smokin´,
and that we were chillin´.

You were smokin´!
l smoked half a little piece
of joint with you.

That fool
ain´t gonna do nothin´.

What´d he say?
lf we don´t pay him by 10:00,
he gonna bust a cap in us.

We need to pay him. He crazy!
Let´s stick together.

l can´t believe
you got me in the mix!

l didn´t make you
smoke that joint.

Might as well.
"Come on.
Stimulate your mind.

"lt´s Friday.
l´m gonna get you high."

Why you bringin´ up old shit?
l could knock--
l left my purse in your house.
Can l get it?

Come on.
Fool...where Craig at?
He in the house.
Hell, no!
Who is that bitch?
Who was that bitch?
Who you talkin´ to?
Nigger, l´m talkin´ to you!
Who is she?
That´s just Debbie
from down the street.

What´s she doin´ in there?
Just go in the house!
What you lookin´ at?
Get yo´ ass in the house!
