Funny Bones

I gather you're in the business
yourself. A comedian?

Sort of.
And you're prepared to pay money
to see comedy material in Blackpool?

- You bet.
- Actual cash?

Bingo. I'm serious.
Everything I see, I pay to see.

£50 for a look.
If I buy, that's where you step in.

I never thought of it as
such a competitive business.

Well, it is.
- What do you want to see?
- Whatever's funny in Blackpool.

Old routines, funny routines,
funny people.

- No jokes.

I'm looking for another way.
Jokes I've paid for. It doesn't work.

No jokes.
Funny people.
Physical comedy. Original ideas.

Visual? Slapstick?
- It may not be scripted.
- Doesn't mean I can't buy it.

Look, Lawrence. I'm gonna be frank.
I don't have long to live. I'm looking
for something. I don't know what.

I'm an educated man, I like to
analyse. I'm reasonably wealthy.

It's something special.
I'm gonna find it here.

Whoever brings it
might not even know its worth.

Whatever it is,
it will be something I don't have.

Another way of looking at life.
I spent six years of my life here.

There's no reason
why the sun can't shine again.

I mean, why do all the best things
in life belong to the past?
