- That's funny.
- Thank you. Why didn't you laugh?
Larry will check out the patents
on biscuit tin tap dancing.
- We might make you an offer.
- Thank you.
- Don't forget your biscuit tins.
- I got plenty of them.
- What's this?
- It was in the ""Times'' yesterday.
I doubt many people saw it.
Certainly not this lot.
So as far as Blackpool is concerned,
you're still Dick Tarascas.
""Legendary comedian George Fawkes
won a standing ovation
""when he took over from his vanished
son Tommy, also a comedian.
""The whereabouts of Tommy Fawkes
is yet to be established. Police...
- That must have been awful for you.
- Yeah.
- You must admire your father.
- He's a hell of a guy.
So, who's next?