- George Fawkes?
- George is your father? You're Tommy?
I am. And I'll tell you
who's angry here. I am!
- What about the £1 ,000?
- They should pay, with interest!
- You'll be hearing from my lawyers!
- You can reach me at my office.
Well, even if it's true,
passing off isn't a UK offence.
- What do you mean ""if''?
- I'm afraid you owe them £1 ,000.
Pay 'em! Go ahead!
Pay 'em the whole amount. £5,000!
What are you saying?
It was their material first.
I can't believe it wasn't.
Those guys can't lie.
Oh, God, tell them I'm sorry.
It's not them I'm angry at.
My father stole material.
Gosh! I see.
- I had a little red car.
- Yes. You drove it into everything.
Did the sun shine every day?
No. You were just a little boy.
You were six when you left.
But we were happy, right?
Why did we leave in such a hurry?
Why did we never see you again?
Yes, it was a special time.
We worked together, we laughed
together, we lived together.
Something was bound to happen.
Then it was time for you to go.