Funny Bones

It's like...
If we'd wanted the funniest child
at the expense of everything else,

then our prayers were answered.
Too loudly.
- You know, people say love child?
- Yes, in the sixties. Go on.

I know you and Katie were in love.
I don't mind. Honest, I don't.

But it's like he's a laugh child.
And we've all paid for it.
Shall I pull him back up?
Shall I?
Shall I?
After the accident,
they told us to plead that he was

maladjusted. To put him in a home.
Let me out.
The comedy
of the magnificent shambles.

Purposeful, intentional chaos.
If it isn't funny,
you die a double death. Right?

Isn't that right?
