Funny Bones

Why did you stop?
Did they laugh? In Vegas,
when you took over the spot?

- You know about that?
- Did they laugh?

You know the one they liked best?
The joke I bought from Sammy Feingold

two days before his triple bypass.
Or 3 days before his double bypass.

- It's wartime France, right?
- I don't want to hear it.

There's a dogfight, and in it is
François the Fighter Pilot.

Dad! I don't want to hear it.
He takes a hit. His plane is on fire
and crashes in a cornfield.

Please, stop. I'm asking you to stop.
Wait a minute. This girl comes running
out of the farmhouse

and pulls his body from the blaze.
She nurses him back to health.

- I don't wanna hear it.
- Tommy, listen.

This is terrific! He takes her
on a picnic to show his gratitude.
