I've been diggin'my...
I can't work anywhere anyway.
The policeman won't let me.
Jack, my darling,
this man Sharkey,
this horrible policeman,
I will use all my power
to make him disappear for ever.
I promise.
Our suffering is special.
The pain we feel is
worse than anyone else.
But the sunrise we see is
more beautiful than anyone else.
The Parkers is...like the moon.
There's one side forever dark.
Invisible. As it should be.
But remember, the dark moon
draws the tides also.
Our time has come.
That's the most wonderful thing
you've said in years.
That's the only thing I said in years.
And so it is
that Blackpool welcomes back...
George Fawkes!
George, by the way,
when the time comes...