Gazon maudit

Can't keep track of them?
No, I don't know any Marijos.
Take the call anyway.
Marijo? Do I know you?
Who is it?
Oh, it's you!

You're still here?
The diesel.

Put the speaker on.
I want to apologize.
You were both so nice.
May I buy you dinner?
Say yes! Yes!
We would have been delighted,
but my wife and I are busy.

Yes, it'll be fun!
Hold on a second.
I want to come along.
May I bring a friend?
The doctor pulls one more
from his butt.

He counts them: 12 flowers.
So the fag says,
"I didn't know how to tell you."

Excuse me.
I'm off to the powder room.

I have to take a leak.
I think she fancies you.
I keep on telling her.
I don't mind two women doing it
as long as they fit me in.

It depends.
If she asks me, I'm out of here!

So when are you two doing it
and fitting me in?

What's with you, Loli?
I was joking. Weren't you?
Are you shocked?

In a woman's mouth, it's vulgar!

Why? Because there's penetration?
Cut it out. You're pushing it.
What's up?

Dykes, fags and penetration.
Very highbrow!
Dessert time!
Let's sweeten up.
Damn, everything's good here.
What do I want?
For me... profiteroles.
Oh, shit. My cigarettes.
Did you choose?
