Gazon maudit

Men can screw around.
It has nothing to do with love.

I mean love with a capital " L."
We don't use our feelings,
only our dick.

Here's a good one.
A guy had this wild thing
happen to him.

A married guy...
happy, the perfect couple.
His wife was banging a woman.
And under his own roof.
No way.
I swear.

As soon as he was away,
they'd start bushwhacking!

How humiliating.
The asshole.
Do I know him?
He's right in front of you.
You're kidding.
Loli? With who?
With who? With who?
You idiot!

Are you my friend or what?
She's banging the dyke!

Holy shit!
No, it can't be.
Not Loli.
What did I do to her?
What did she do to her?
In my opinion...

she's playing with you.
She must've found something.
I'm extra careful.
No traces, ever.
No calls at home,
so she can't track me down.

I'm no bastard.
I don't want to hurt her.

She caught me once.
That was enough.

I don't know.
It only takes a scent.

Women don't just use their brains.
They sense things.
