You cheated on me
with every slut around.
I'm humiliated.
Ashamed to be married
to a pig like you.
What's this bullshit?
Ask your friend Antoine!
Unless he made it up!
And this!
You use condoms with me?
You have a whole stock
hidden in the kids' room!
You're a monster!
I don't want her
anywhere near my son!
Whatever happens, Loli,
whatever happens...
I don't want this diesel in my house!
If she goes, I divorce.
With your track record,
kiss the house good-bye!
Maybe, but I'd get the kids!
Not with a good lawyer!
Come, baby. Come with Mommy.
You're wrecking a home.
Feel good about it?
You're not leaving?
What did you do to me?
Why'd you do it?
You're my friend! Why?
I was trying to help.
Hit me... kick me.
I'm useless. I'm a shit.
Stop bawling!