I should be crying.
This is a nightmare.
What are you doing?
You're crazy!
Yeah, I'm crazy!
Put that down!
Where are the bullets?
Don't mess with that!
For Christ's sake, stop!
Let go, or I'll hurt you!
I don't care.
Stop, I'm begging you!
Think about your kids.
In jail, you won't ever see them.
Not seeing your kids...
is the worst thing on earth.
I haven't seen mine in 12 years.
Twelve years.
Good evening.
Why are you so sad?
Because of whores like you.
You're more the heartbreaker.
With your looks.
Stop it. I'm not interested.
You're not here by chance.
Why not?
It'd be my first old bag.
I'm leaving.
I'll pay. Don't worry.
Too old?
Sorry, I was cruel.
I'm used to worse.
I can't be picky anymore.