Get it from his wife or out of your
own pocket, I don't give a fuck,
but never hand me a book with a miss.
We'll see you, Ray.
Go see the dry-cleaner's wife.
You've got three days.
I told you not to piss him off...
Don't say another fucking word, OK?
I hate the dry-cleaning business.
I hate being inside all day
around all those machines.
Must be hot.
You have no idea how hot it is.
Do you know, Fay, I was wondering,
did Leo have life insurance?
I don't know of any.
I trust you, Chili.
I think you're a decent type of man
even if you are a crook.
Oh. Thank you.
I wish he really was dead.
He's a son of a bitch.
Called himself Larry De Mille.
Hit on every showgirl in town.
Said he was the "Martinizing King
of Miami". What a moron!
He's in LA. We put him on a plane
after he spanked a cocktail girl.
Leo spanked a cocktail girl?
He invites her to play the ponies,
she doesn't want to,
he gives her one on the tush.
My guess, he's at the track right now.
Chili, if you go to LA, this guy owes
us $1 50,000, some movie producer.
Movie producer?
Why not?
You're gonna love this guy,
another fucking moron - Harry Zimm.