He doesn't want anyone to think he's bald,
so he wears a fucking cap.
Karen! Karen, hey!
Say hello to Chili Palmer.
Chili, this is Karen Flores.
Pleasure to meet you.
How d'you get in?
He has an idea for a movie,
it's not bad so far. Have a drink.
Tell Karen.
Maybe you didn't hear me.
I came in the back door.
You broke in?
It was open. It wasn't locked.
What if it were?
Listen to the idea. A dry-cleaner
scams an airline out of 300 grand.
This guy owes a shylock $1 5,000.
He's three weeks over on the vig.
That's the interest.
I know what vig is.
Anyway, this dry-cleaner -
let's call him Leo - he's scared.
He leaves town. Leo's on a plane
but it just sits there.
They announce over the PA
there's a mechanical problem.
It'll take an hour
but they're to stay seated.
The guy's nervous
so he gets off the plane,
goes into the cocktail lounge
and starts throwing them down.
He's still in the lounge
when the plane crashes on takeoff.
So when the guy finds out,
he can't believe it.
If he'd stayed on the plane,
he'd be dead.
If everybody thinks he's dead,
he won't have to pay the 1 5 or the vig.
Keep going.
Leo's wife is brought to the airport
to get any personal effects
that weren't destroyed.
Leo's bags were on the plane,
so the wife tells 'em what to look for.
Oh, my Leo! My Leo!
Later, the airline people visit his wife
and offer her a settlement,
based on what he would've earned
from the dry-cleaner's the rest of his life.