Get Shorty

The shylock is barely mentioned.
And it's not believable
the wife'd get a settlement that fast.

Harry doesn't realize
it's a true story - that Miami flight?

On the news every day for a week.
Harry must have been busy.

That's where you got the idea?
Part of it, yeah.
You're not the guy, the dry-cleaner?
No, you wouldn't be talking to me.
- No, I'm not the guy, Harry.
- But you do work for the casino?

For God's sake, he's the shylock.
That's what you do?
That's what I did. After I'm done here,
I don't know what I'll do.

Well, I got an early call.
No problemo. Go on up to bed.
Harry, I would like you and your
new buddy to get out of my house.

Oh, yeah. Well, sure.
It was absolutely a pleasure
to meet you, Karen.

I guess there's times you have to get
rough, if one of your customers don't pay.

They always pay.
You pack a gun?
Not really.
Ever been arrested?
I've been picked up for loan sharking
and racketeering, but never convicted.

Covers a lot of ground, doesn't it?

Get to the point, Harry. You want me
to do something for you?

That's us.
