Get Shorty

Well, lock it on your way out.
You had a bad day, huh?
The director said I couldn't reach
the emotional core of the character.

What? Obviously he didn't see
Bride Of The Mutant.

You saw that one?
When you say to the alien mother
that her time on earth is finished,

Joan Crawford on her best day
wished she had the emotion,

the intensity that you had.
That was a good scene -
for a horror movie.

No, for any movie.
I know I'm better than walking round
in fuck-me pumps, waiting to scream.

Yeah, but what a scream.
It would be nice to get the chance
to say one great line.

Like when Bette Davis walks up
to the guy and says "I'd kiss you

but I just washed my hair".
How come you don't work with Harry?

Cos I married Martin Weir.
He was a full-time job.

- Have you read Harry's new script?
- No.

He says it's the best thing
he's ever read.

He means after Slime Creatures III.
Did Harry ask you to help him
put Martin in a movie?

Harry's dreaming
of a $40 million movie,

with a star he'll never sign
with or without my help.

He said Martin flipped over it.
Martin's known for his flipping.
When it's time to make a deal, he flips out.

Why don't I pick you up a script,
then you can read it yourself?

Don't go out of your way.
Nah, it's nothing.
Well, I gotta have a talk
with my runaway dry-cleaner.

See how your story ends.
Touch Of Evil's playing near my hotel.
We can check it out if you want.
Watch Charlton Heston be a Mexican.

That's all right. Another time.
