See you around.
See you.
The fellow with a million smackers
And nervous indigestion
Hi. My name is Ray,
I'm a friend of Chili Palmer's.
Have you spoken with Mr Palmer
since your husband blew up?
Oh, once or twice.
What was it you talked about?
Nothing really. This and that.
This and that?
Fay... Fay, I want us
to be friends, I really do.
And we all know friends don't hit
each other - unless they have to.
So what do you say you tell me
exactly what the fuck is going on?
Good evening, sir.
And a very good evening
to you, too, sir.
Look at me.
I'd have never thought you'd be so dumb.
Leaving over 300 grand in a closet.
I guess you are.
I didn't know where else to keep it.
Where would you?
How about a bank?
They'd report it to the IRS.