Get Shorty

This is good. This Mr Lovejoy...
It needs a better ending, but yes,
I see why Harry wants to do it.

I knew he was lying,
saying this wasn't any good,

but holding on to it,
like you'd have to break his fingers!

That's funny. I was thinking
what I'd have to break of yours.

I'm explaining why I'm here,
in case you thought I came to rob
any of this dusty old shit.

I wouldn't make you out
to be a burglar.

Harry called you his associate.
What does that mean?

I never heard your name,
or read it in Variety or any place.

I'm his associate.
You must bring
something heavy to the deal.

I do. Me.
It says here
you're getting Martin Weir.

That's right.
Come on.
How you gonna do that?

I'm gonna take a gun, put it to his head,
I'm gonna say "Sign, Martin,
or you're dead."

I wonder, would that work?
You know who I see as Al Roxy?
Harvey Keitel.

He was good in that movie Fingers.
You know who else? Morgan Freeman.
Morgan Freeman.
But he's a colored guy.

So what? Where does it say
the man's got to be white?

Color's what the part needs, man.
You need somebody with some style.

So what do you think of the script?
The first thing that's got to go
is the title.

Murray Saffrin would be better
than Lovejoy.

I'm with you on that.
Why don't you and I sit down,
write the script over where it needs it.

You could write one of these?
Nothing to it. You get an idea,
set it down on paper,
