Bummer. I'll let you
get to your movie talk.
Chili, do not leave
without saying goodbye to me.
You know how beautiful you are?
You really are beautiful.
I'm sitting here looking at you and
having flashbacks, memories of us.
Yeah, and I'm wondering,
how did it all slip away?
It didn't slip away. You did when
you fucked Nicki at my birthday party.
That was a good party.
You know, Marty, you were so good
in that movie The Cyclone.
Martin. Yeah, it was a beautiful role.
All I had to do
was find the character's center.
The stem I used to wind him up
and he'd just play.
If I didn't know better,
I'd have thought you was a made guy.
No acting there, right?
And the fink part...
I never met a fink
and I hope I never do,
but the way you played a fink,
that's how it's gotta be.
Two weeks before shooting,
I went to Bensonhurst
to hear you guys talk.
I'm Italian, but grew up in Tazana.
I wanted to get the rhythms
of your speech.
We speak differently?
It was more your attitude, your tone.
Your speech patterns demonstrate
confidence in your opinions,
your indifference
to conventional views.
Like we don't give a shit?
Yeah, kinda. Yeah.
Once I get the authentic sounds
of speech, the patois, you know,
I can actually think the way
those guys do. Get inside.
- Really?
- Yeah.
Well, I'm one of those guys.
What am I thinking?
Well, don't get me wrong,
a metamorphosis doesn't take place,
that wouldn't be acting.