Can I get you anything else?
Another one for Mr Zimm. A double.
You're just going to give me
this $500,000?
We'll talk about that
but first I gotta know,
how'd you hook up
with this Chili Palmer?
Mr Lovejoy was good.
I'll call Buddy, set up a meeting.
Who's Buddy?
- His agent.
- Karen knows him.
You are interested?
I'm intrigued.
Take an element of The Cyclone,
the way the visual fabric is maintained
while the metaphor
plays on different levels.
Is this your ride?
I like to sit high,
check everything out.
It is the Cadillac of mini-vans.
Check this out.
Mind if I take it for a spin?
He was watching Letterman, huh?
Sneaky, that Chili Palmer.
Did he ever find that dry-cleaner,
the one with all the money on him?
Leo? I don't know.
I bet he did and he ain't giving you one
penny to help you out, not the way I am.
Assuming I go along with this,
when can I have the $500,000?
Whenever you want.
The money's in $1 00 bills
in a locker at the airport.
At the airport?
It was waiting out there on a deal
that didn't go through, Harry.
One you don't want to know about.
I don't know...
It's not a thing you'd do,
so why not send Chili Palmer?
If he gets busted,
you're out of the thing, Harry.
C1 8.
The magic number.
I'm positive it was Susan Hayward.