Get Shorty

- That guy is a stuntman.
- Yeah, he was in Creatures II.

Rough business, this movie business.
I may go back to loan sharking
for a rest!

What are you still doing
with those guys?

He happens to be loaning me
$500,000. No strings.

I can write any kind of agreement.
Cash or cheque?
Cash. It's in a locker
at the airport at this moment.

A locker at the airport?
Tell me you're not that stupid.

You're being set up.
He's paying you back.

That right? He's setting me up?
Why did Catlett say
I should send you to pick it up,

since you haven't done a thing
for me except show Catlett my script?

You're right,
you're not being set up.

At least Bo has invested
in three of my movies.

We spoke with Martin.
- Chili and me.
- Really?

Told us to call Buddy,
set up a meeting.

A meeting. You and Karen?
He's been in town two days
and he thinks he's David O Selznik.

Shall I deal with Bo or will you
talk with your dry-cleaner?

I've found him,
but forget about Leo's money.

Do you have it?
If I gave you Leo's money you'd
have Ray Bones all over your ass.

Ray Barboni.
He owns Leo now that Momo's dead.

Who the fuck is Momo?
Where do you get these names?

I'll go to the airport and if there's
no problem I'll get your money.

I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Maybe I'll call Barboni and ask him
if he wants to invest in my movie.

He's not a movie fan. Give me the key.
Oh, Harry.
