- The trick is to quit while you're ahead.
- That's one trick I've never learned.
Perhaps you'll show me how it's done.
Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.
And for you?
The same.
How do you take it?
Straight up, with a twist.
Thank you, Mr...
The name's Bond. James Bond.
Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp.
- Onatopp?
- Onatopp.
- Your accent... Georgian?
- Very good, Mr Bond.
- You've been to Russia.
- Not recently.
I used to drop in occasionally.
Shoot in and out.
It's very different now.
A land of opportunity.
With a new Ferrari in every garage?
No, not quite. That belongs to a friend.
A tip for your friend: the French number
plates for this year's model start with "L".
Even the counterfeit ones.
And what rank do you hold with
the motor vehicles department, Mr Bond?
Shall we go?
This one is an admiral.
I like a woman who enjoys pulling rank.
Nice to meet you, Mr Bond.
The pleasure, I'm sure, was all mine.