At least one person
probably knows who it is.
Very well, sir. Thank you. Good night.
The prime minister's talked to Moscow. It
was "an accident on a training exercise".
Governments change.
The lies stay the same.
What else do we know about Janus?
Top-flight arms dealers,
headquartered in St Petersburg.
Restocked the lraqis during the Gulf War.
The head man's unreliably
described. No photographs.
The woman, Onatopp,
is our only confirmed contact.
- Would you care for a drink?
- Thank you.
- Your predecessor kept some cognac...
- I prefer bourbon.
- Ice?
- Yes.
We pulled the files on whoever may have
had access or authority at Severnaya.
The top name on the list's
an old friend of yours, I understand.
Ourumov. They made him a general.
He sees himself as the next
"iron man of Russia".
Our political analysts say
he doesn't fit the profile of a traitor.
Are these the same analysts who said
that GoldenEye couldn't exist?
Who said the helicopter posed no threat
and wasn't worth following?
You don't like me, Bond.
You don't like my methods.
You think I'm an accountant, more
interested in numbers than your instincts.
- The thought had occurred to me.
- Good.
Because I think you're
a sexist, misogynist dinosaur,