So, you're lookin' for a dish the size
of a football field, huh? Doesn't exist.
- Light a cigar in Cuba and we see it.
- I know it's there.
It's a duplicate of Severnaya, like
your secret transmitters in New Zealand.
I've never been there.
How does she know about that?
- What if I need backup?
- Get on the radio. I'll send in the marines.
Anyway, hang a left
at the end of the runway.
- Cuba's 80 miles on your right.
- Yo, Wade.
Just one thing. Don't push
any of the buttons on that car.
- I'm just gonna bomb around in it.
- Exactly.
Yo, James. I got faith, but be careful.
He knows you're comin'.
He was your friend - Trevelyan.
And now he's your enemy
and you will kill him.
It is that simple?
In a word, yes.
- Unless he kills you first.
- Natalya...