St. Petersburg, Russia
St. Petersburg, Russia
Good morning, General Ourumov.
Defence Minister Mishkin...
Please. Deliver your report.
72 hours ago, a secret weapons
system, codename Goldeneye,
was detonated over Severnaya.
I personally undertook
the investigation.
I have concluded
this crime was committed
by Siberian separatists
seeking to create unrest.
The peaceful work and hard
currency earnings of Severnaya
have been set back
by several years.
I tender my resignation.
We do not want your head,
merely your assurance that
there are no other Goldeneyes.
I give you that assurance.
And the two missing
Severnaya technicians?
I was aware only of the one -
Boris Grishenko.
There was a girl
whose body was not found.
Natalya Fyodorovna Simonova.
I will investigate immediately,
Defence Minister.
It would seem presumptuous
to blame these incidents
on Siberian separatists
before the whereabouts of your
own people are determined.
- Do you agree?
- Yes, Minister.