Thank you for bringing it
to my attention.
That will be all.
Morning, Q.
Sorry about the leg. Sking?
Now, pay attention, 007.
First, your new car.
BMW. Agile, five forward gears,
all-points radar.
Self-destruct system
and all the usual refinements.
This I'm particularly proud of.
Behind the headlights,
Stinger missiles.
Just the thing for unwinding
after a rough day.
You have a licence to kill,
NOT to break the traffic laws.
- I wouldn't think of it.
- Good.
Let's get on
to more practical matters.
A ty pical leather belt.
Male, size 34, buckle, notch.
Have you finished?
- Yes.
- Good. A ty. Pical belt...
Q, I'm familiar
with that device.
Not with a 75-foot
rappelling cord built in.
Fire, and out shoots a piston,
followed by a high-tensile wire
to support your weight.
What if I need
additional support?
It's tested for one, 007.
Flight 878 to St Petersburg.
X-ray documents scanner. A pen.
This is a Class 4 grenade.
^Three clicks arms
the four-second fuse.
Another three disarms it.