In London,
April's a spring month.
What are you, the weatherman?
For crying out loud,
another stiff-assed Brit,
with your secret passwords.
One day you guys will learn
to drop it.
My car's over there.
- After you.
- Thank you.
Like you said, drop it.
In London,
April's a spring month.
In St Petersburg,
we freeze our butts off.
- Is that close enough?
- No. Show me the rose.
Please, no.
All right, all right.
Third wife. Jack Wade, CIA.
James Bond, stiff-assed Brit.
- Nice move.
- Nice car.
She's an ugly little bitch,
but she gets there.
Hey, Bond,
do you do any gardening?
Hand me that wrench, Jimmy.
So what do you know
about Janus?
Zilch. Zipsky.
No one's ever seen him,
but he's connected.
KGB, military. Screwdriver.
Rumour is he lives
on an old missile train