
Strangling a cat?
"Stand by your man"...
That is Irina, my mistress.
Very talented girl.
Irina! Take a hike!
So, Mr Bond, what brings you
to my neighbourhood?

Still working for MI6,
or have you joined
the 21st century?

I hear the new M is a lady.
I want you to do me a favour.
He wants ME to do HIM a favour!
My knee aches every day,
twice as bad when it's cold.

Have you any idea how long
winter lasts in this country?

Tell him, Dimitri.
- It depends...
- Silence!

Surely someone of your stature
must have realised

the skill wasn't
to hit your knee,

but to miss the rest of you.
So why did you not kill me?
Call it professional courtesy.
Then I should extend you
the same courtesy.

Kirov's funeral parlour,
4.00 today.

200 pounds of C-4 explosives
hidden in a casket.

Your man drives the hearse in,
the money's exchanged,

their man drives the hearse out.
Their man is arrested.
Your man escapes with the money.

Your money.
And what do I owe
for this accommodation?

I want you to set me up
with Janus.

What has he done to deserve you?
- Stole a helicopter.
- I have six.

- Three. None that fly.
- Who's counting?

They are traitors.
