infecting them with viruses
and stealing sensitive materials.
These people are terrorists.
Morning, gentlemen.
Please, be seated.
l see we're still dressing
in the dark, Eugene.
Once again, don't call me Eugene.
Our recent intruder
penetrated using a superuser account,
giving him access to our whole system.
Precisely what you're paid to prevent.
Someone didn't bother reading my memo
on commonly used passwords.
As l meticulously pointed out,
the foremost used passwords are...
'Love', 'Sex', 'Secret' and 'God'.
So would Your Holiness
care to change her password?
A hacker planted the virus.
Yesterday, the ballast program
for a supertanker training model
mistakenly thought the vessel was empty
and flooded its tanks.
Excuse me?
The little boat flipped over.
A virus planted within the Gibson system
claimed responsibility.
lt left a note?
UnIess $5 miIIion is transferred
to the foIIowing account in 7 days,
I wiII capsize five tankers
in the EIIingson fIeet.
- ls that...?
- That is the virus.
Leonardo da Vinci.
We have 26 ships at sea
and don't know which ones are infected.
Well, put the ship's ballast
under manual control.
There's no such thing any more.
These ships are totally computerised.
They rely on satellite navigation