What's he doing here?
He's my guest, Burn.
You're Acid Burn?!
You booted me out of OTV.
- What?
- l'm Crash Override.
You're the moron
who's been invading my turf?
Whoa, whoa! Crash...
and Burn!
Murphy kid turn you down?
l disguised myself as an Alabama State
Trooper and penetrated the FBl NClC.
What are you talking about?
The FBl computer holds files
on 20 million Americans.
l just hacked into it.
l have access to every piece of data
stored on Dade Murphy's parents.
His parents separated five years ago,
reconciled, then divorced last year.
Custody battle.
Boy chose to go with his mother.
So, we get the mother, we get the boy.
What the hell are you doing?