Are you challenging me?
Name your stakes.
lf l win, you become my slave.
Your slave?
You wish.
You'll do shit work.
Scan, crack copyrights, whatever l want.
Deal. And if l win?
Make it my first born.
- Make it our first date.
- You won't win.
And you have to smile.
l don't do dates.
But l don't lose, either. So you're on.
Here's the deaI, the chosen contest:
To hassIe Secret Service Agent
Richard GiII and get one back for Joey.
Our decisions are finaI
by a vote oftwo to one. No appeaIs.
The dueI wiII Iast
untiI we decIare a winner.
Use onIy the access codes
and passwords in your coIIection.
No heIp from us.
Talkin' to me?
Any questions?
Yeah. Who's going to notify
his next of kin?