I am watching you.
Wake up.
Wake up. Ramon, it's time for school.
Come on.
Stick your hands up! Don't move!
Déjà vu!
You're under arrest under the Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986.
¡La computadora de mierda!
¡Que te dije de no estar
jugando con esa
- computadora!
- What are you waiting for? Arrest me!
You get one call.
Operator Services?
- l'm having trouble with a number.
- What number, pIease?
555 4202.
- Just one moment.
- Thank you.
- Hello?
- lt's me. l'm freaking.
Joey reaIIy hacked into EIIingson.
He gave me the disk he copied
and now I'm injaiI
for some serious shit!