Where's the rest?
We're late. You look too good to go out.
I'll just jump you right here.
-Where is it?
-Squared the bookies, baby.
There's more in a couple of days,
so don't sweat it. We're late.
Come on.
You gotta be kidding me.
...it ain't worth the risks you take
for $8,000. Like in ''Risk versus reward.''
Let's go.
Get your coat.
There's no point talking.
You're just a child growing older.
What does that mean?
We're not making forward progress
like real grown-up adults living our lives...
...because I married a gambling junkie.
Get in the fucking car.
What am I doing in here?
You're not!
Leave the bank book and the car keys...
...in the kitchen on your way out!
-Are we going?
-Keep that crap. Dominick comes with me.
Don't even think about....
Tell me Albert Torena called back.
Albert Torena call Vincent?
Report came in.
The explosive was Dy-Ex,
used in demolition.
You can pick it up in Nevada...
...Arizona, New Mexico.
Too common to trace a sale.
That's wonderful.