Students for a Non-Sexist Society.
We have meetings Wednesdays
if you want to come by.
Okay. Thanks.
Oh, man.
Oh, man, I'm sorry.
I didn't know you were here.
-It's time for us to talk.
-About what?
About your side of the room.
What's wrong with it?
Look at it, man. It's filthy,
it's funky, it's stinking, man.
-What you do on that side affects me.
-All right, I'll try.
Let's take a trip around the world.
Look there, under the statue.
You see them people?
That's Disneyland.
And there's Chinatown.
And over there,
that's south of the border.
And this right here is the black hole
because we're black folks.
So, you Fudge, huh?
I heard about you.
-What'd you hear about me?
-I heard you were a super-duper senior.
Been here six years
and still haven't graduated.
-She trying to play you out.
-Why is that?
Because I done already
learned the game, fresh fish.
Is that right, old trout?
Y'all some trained Negroes.