Soon as you hear a bell,
y'all go running.
Welcome to the real world.
Or, as it states in your schedule
of courses, Political Science 101.
I am your instructor.
My name is Professor Maurice Phipps.
Today I am going to give you your first
lesson in politics. Are you ready?
Now, I shall need one volunteer.
No wonder this nation is falling
behind the rest of the world.
No one in this class
seems to have any initiative.
You, brave soul, come forward.
-And what is your name, my good man?
-Malik Williams, Professor Phipps, sir.
Malik Williams. Mr. Williams,
would you be kind enough...
...to read the names
with the asterisks beside them?
Those persons whose names
are called, please stand.
All right. " Marvin Anthony,
Wendy Arrington, Tanya Arroyo...
...Chris Barlow, Skye Blue,
Jennifer Bryant...
Pamela Burris, Eric Cannon,
Kristen Connor, Judith Dantzig...
...Patsy Ewing, Mark Katz...
...Malik Williams." What?
Thank you, Mr. Williams.
You have served your purpose.