Hey, why you going to this school?
Well, because that's what they say you
need to do to make it in the country.
-What's "making it"?
-Fudge, your printer's out of paper.
Well, then go buy some more.
What's "making it"?
You know, getting a degree.
You know, making that long dough.
Is that right? So you in it
for the money or the knowledge?
Check out this situation.
You at a football game.
There's thousands of people there.
All of them white.
The American flag
is right above your head.
They're about to play
the national anthem.
All these people turn around
and look you dead in your eye.
What do you do?
I stand up.
I'd probably be so embarrassed....
You know, I'd stand up.
You know what I'm saying?
They got you running
for the school, huh?
-Yeah. Partial scholarship.
-You don't run, you don't get tuition.
That's the way the system goes.
Run, nigger, run.
Oh, my God. Look at her hair.
-Be nice, Nicole. It's not that bad.
-She looks like a tramp.