Hence, the creation that is America.
Therefore, the basic premise...
...of democratic theory...
...is that each and every citizen
living within that society...
...is entitled...
...to what?
We are entitled to life...
...liberty and the pursuit
of happiness.
What you people have to realize
is that despite having these rights...
...very few people exercise them.
It is that type of apathy that
corrodes our country from within.
Your assignment for the semester
is as follows:
To formulate
your own political ideology.
This will be dictated by your sex,
...socioeconomic status...
...personal experience,
et cetera, et cetera.
This course will be like
anything in life.
It will be what you make of it.
I am not a babysitter.
Ladies and gentlemen,
do not waste my time.
...no one is going to treat
you special...
...just because you are black.
Right. Or white.
Or Hispanic.
Or lndian.
Or Asian.