You're using
that reverse treatment...
...'cause I'm one of the only
black faces in your class.
Mr. Williams, I treat everyone
in my course exactly the same...
...and I will continue to give you
a difficult time...
...until you have proven
that you deserve otherwise.
-Those are the rules of the game.
-It's a fucked-up game.
Please watch your language.
Rid yourself of this attitude
that the world owes you something.
You must strip yourself of that
mentality. It breeds laziness.
It is laziness that has kept
black people down in this country.
I don't think like that.
All right, man, it's just....
Look, I don't need one of my own
trying to treat me like I'm the enemy.
The enemy? Who is the enemy?
One man with a white beard
who sits behind his desk...
...pushing buttons that control
the fate of the entire world?
No, that is not reality.
That is The Wizard of Oz.
No, man, I mean anybody.
White, black, anybody
who gets in the way of my progress.
I am not in your way.
I did not ask you
to come to this university...
...nor am I here to motivate you.
Your own presence
should be motivation enough.
I have nothing to prove,
unlike you.
I don't have anything to prove.
Who do I have something to prove to?
Good afternoon, Mr. Williams.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the next race on the track...