What's that all about?
I don't know.
Hey, man. Malik, wait up.
What's up, man?
Why'd you move all your stuff out?
I'm staying with some homies now.
I thought you and David
might want to live together.
David doesn't even know
if he's going to school next semester.
He's all depressed. His parents
have him going to a shrink.
-I think he's lost it, myself.
-Listen, Wayne.
I think you're cool, man.
We ain't never had no beef,
outside of your dirty clothes...
...and opposite taste in music.
But I'm just--
I'm at the point where...
...l feel safer and more comfortable
with my own people.
I ain't come here to have
no white boy pull a gun in my face.
I could have got that in the ghetto.
Seems like this system is setup
towards maintaining white supremacy.
I didn't come here to learn that--
I understand you're pissed.
But I'm not like that, Malik.
You treat me like I'm Remy.
I'm not like that.
I'm no white supremacist!
Is that what you see?
I'm different.
So are you. You know?
No, I'm not. Neither are you.
That's the problem.
What are you two doing
sitting there? Plotting?
Yeah, we're plotting.
Plotting to steal.
To steal what?
-To steal the information. All of it.
-Yeah, but whose information is it?