Higher Learning

We're behind enemy lines, dog.
One beat-down will never compare
to 439 years of captivity. Never.

You don't know shit, freshman.
This is a war. This is the opening
stages of World War lll.

I said, shut the fuck up!
I'm tired of hearing your bullshit. I'm
tired of you trying to rev everybody up.

What are you gonna do, college boy?
And you don't even got your GED.

-Two fucking dumb-asses together.
-I'm gonna make war.

That's right, man. A race war.
-On who?
-On the fucking niggers.

On the fucking race traitors.
On the fucking everybody.

Why you testing me?
Remy, you ever shot somebody before?
Actually, better yet,
you ever shoot a piece of meat?

Seen what bullets do to flesh?
Them fucking niggers out there,
them fucking little monkeys...

...those gangbangers...
...are training every fucking day
and every night shooting each other.

They're ready for war.
But are you?
If it all went down today...
...which one of you would have
the balls to shoot a nigger?

-I would.
-You would?

Would you?
I have.
-I'd do it.

That's right. I'd do it.
All right, then.
-What's his problem?
-My fucking head's killing me.
