Higher Learning

-You're full of shit.
-I'm for real.

Go ahead, then.
What is high?
What is higher?
What is learn?
What is learning?
What is higher learning?
What it is?
I mean, what is it?

What is higher learning?
Promise me you won't drop out.
I ain't going nowhere without you.
Viking Two to Viking One.
-Yeah, Viking One.
-Let's do it, man.

I'm gonna kill communication.
This looks suspicious. All right?

For Eurocentric indoctrination...
...is learning in an environment
that is mostly white.

If the Dred Scott decision
was retried in a contemporary court...

... the decision would be the same...
...meaning that a black man
would still have no rights...

... that a white man, by law,
would be bound to respect.

The result would be the same
no matter what the law states...

...because it was not written by and
for the benefit of African-Americans.

The credo
"And liberty and justice for all"...

... is a falsehood that has been widely
ignored and needs to be addressed.
