In the Mouth of Madness

Styles, can I ask you something?
Do you really like working
on Cane's stuff?

Do you really like
busting people?

Yeah. I bustfrauds,
I bust phonies...

and, yeah, I love it.
Have you ever busted
anyone you know?

Yeah, sure I did.
Didn't make any difference.
You see, in my business,
you soon find out...

that anybody's
capable of anything.

If you can think of it,
they've done it.

Doesn't leave you much
to believe in.

But think of the upside...

it doesn't leave you much
to be disappointed in, either.

Believe me, the sooner we're off
the planet, the better.

Now you sound like Cane.
No, not me.
You're the Cane lover.
I just like being scared.
Cane's work scares me.
What's to be scared about?
It's not like it's real
or anything.

It's not real
from your point of view...

and right now reality
shares your point of view.

What scares me
about Cane's work...

is what might happen if reality
shared his point of view.

Whoa. We're not talking
about reality here.

We're talking aboutfiction.
It's different, you know.

A reality is just what
we tell each other it is.

Sane and insane could
easily switch places...

if the insane were
to become the majority.

You wouldfind yourseif
locked in a padded cell...

wondering what happened
to the world.

No, that wouldn't happen to me.
It would if you realized...
everything you ever knew
was gone.

It'd be pretty lonely
being the last one left.

Not only in Manhattan proper...
but there was that incident
in Long Island...

that was also related to it.
Come on, I don't buy this.
I mean, what are you saying?

That there's some kind
of disease...

that's spreading
across the country?

It is an addiction
that people have at this time...

out of the written material.

How could it be addicting?
Look, I mean this is words.
