Where am I taking it?
Your storage capacity?
More than adequate.
Somebody'll take him
to Las Vegas?
It is extremely dangerous...
if the upload volume
exceeds your storage capacity.
Synaptic seepage can kill you
in two or three days.
Plus, the data...
may be corrupted and coherent download
will be impossible.
We don't have a problem.
Are we loading or not?
Your ticket.
Ralfi, your agent...
will arrange the meet
for the download.
When the counter approaches zero...
click on three frames off the TV.
Any three. They'll meld with the data,
and I won't know what they are.
That's the download code.
You get a hard copy.
You fax one copy
to your connection on the other side.
When I get there,
we feed in the code and download.