Spider, I need to get some work.
About these episodes
you've been having.
I want to get you back to the shop
for some tests.
Hey, are you listening?
No more playing doctor,
That's not what I meant.
They must be the oldest bodyguards
in town.
I'm twice as fast as they are.
I'm worried about
your nervous system!
Especially if you continue
being a bodyguard.
Get out of here, bitch.
Take it easy.
Your hired muscle's
aging on you, Ralfi.
I could've done you.
Time you hired
some young and fast.
You mean like you?
You're the best agent
for bodyguards in town.
I'm the fastest,
now Spider's jacked my system.
Hold out your hand.
Fine. Just hold it there.
Just hold it there.
You can hold it.
- Can't you?
- Yeah. Sure.
Cheap street implants.
You're damaged goods.
Spider man jacked you up
all right.
Jacked her up so tight
she shakes.
I cannot use you,
not for muscle.
Ever considered something
a little less actively physical?
Like on your back, babe?
Or on your knees.