Access granted.
Get off my board, man.
You are too hot.
You're a hit waiting to happen.
You owe me, Strike.
I don't owe you that much.
I could crash you from here.
Wipe out your board!
Johnny, don't, man.
That's my livelihood.
Then stop bullshitting me.
I need to know what I'm holding.
Why is the Yakuza after it?
Who's Dr. Allcome?
All I know is...
you've got a head
full of PharmaKom data...
and they've hired the Yakuza
to get it out.
Shit! They put a virus on us.
Get out of here, man!
I never heard of any Dr. Malcolm.
Johnny. Hurry, Johnny.
They're coming.
Who the hell are you?
Got to go now.
Come on.
Watch this.
Inform Takahashi...
his tracker was late
in locating the courier.
It seems he's already departed.
Mr. Takahashi, Shinji has failed
again to locate the courier.
Get me Karl.
Church of the Retransfiguration.
Thank you for calling.
I need your services.
We hold services nightly.
You should join us.