- One of Spider's jobs.
- Spider?
He's a flesh mechanic--
implants and shit, you know?
They said he used to
be a legit doctor once, but--
They did some serious shoehorning
to get that in there.
Let's skip the technical critique.
I need some help.
You don't know the half.
Must be hurting like hell.
Think I need you to tell me that?
I got 320 gigs in here.
Yeah? What is it exactly?
What kind of stuff?
I haven't got a clue, and I don't have
a download code either.
You doing okay?
Good girl, Janie.
You brought him to the right place.
You can fix him?
I don't know.
With his seepage,
if I could work a download...
I don't know
if the product would be coherent.
Fuck the product.
I just want it out.
I wish it was that simple.
Allcome. Dr. Allcome.
Ever hear that name?
- Maybe.
- Where is he?
Maybe! Why do you want to see him?
Oh, come on, Spider.
I'll make sure Just Johnny
gets to see who he needs to see...
but you need bed rest, down time.