You might not remember anything
for more than three minutes.
Fuck that!
Let me tell you
what you've got in there...
and what it's worth to the world!
You're carrying
the cure for NAS.
You're telling me I got--
PharmaKom's R&D on their cure
for Nerve Attenuation Syndrome.
Plus the field trials to prove
that it works-- and it really works.
You mean, like a real cure?
They could have you straightened out
in three weeks.
You and everybody else.
Everybody's trying
to cut off my head.
So Saigon can run it through
a quantum interference detector.
Then they would have the cure.
We wouldn't.
You keep that thing in your head
and nobody can save you.
Plus, the cure is gone forever.
I can save the cure.
Even with the code, the seepage is so
bad it'd probably come out as garbage.
What's it supposed to matter to me
if I'm dead? Follow me?
The cure can save millions. You're gonna
die anyway if we don't get it out.
All I know is that whatever's
in my head is worth a lot of money.
Why should I trust you?
You're supposed to be my bodyguard.
You're not walking out
with that cure in your head!
That cure is mine!
Behold your savior!
Get out ot the building!
It's your only chance!
Go! Get him to Jones!
Who is Jones?