Judge Hershey.
lt's gotta be here some..
What's this ?
Baby Dredd ?
l can't believe
you were ever a baby.
Who's this ?
Chief Justice Griffin.
lt's got a nice ring
to it.
We were supposed
to meet someplace safe !
What's not safe ?
Your reporter's dead, right?
Fargo's on his Walk.
Dredd's in Aspen.
So, what's not safe ?
lt's unfortunate.
Hammond had to be silenced.
He found out about Janus.
- But l could've used Dredd.
- Forget Dredd !
There is no Dredd !
Let me tell you
what Dredd worships.
He worships the Law !
He'd have blown you away the minute he
found out how much you're pissin' on it.
Yeah. Let him see what it's like
to freeze his ass off in Aspen.