Judge Dredd

Vzh¾adom na zlé poèasie
poletíme vo výške 60 stôp.

Trvanie cesty: približne 4 hodiny.
Nebite ma! Prepáète.
Neubližujte mi!

Èo vy tu robíte?
Bol som odsúdený za trestný èin.
Neprávom odsúdený.

Naozaj zvláštne.
Taká náhoda.

Dvaja neprávom odsúdení
chlapi sedia ved¾a seba.

Ty si bol odsúdený pod¾a zákona.
5 rokov za to,
že som si chcel zachráni prdel?

To bol omyl.
Zákon sa nemýli.
Due to storm cloud activity over the
desert, we will be flying at 60 feet.

Flight time approximately
four hours.

Dredd ? Don't hit me. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry. Don't hurt me.

What are you doing here ?
l was convicted of a crime.
Wrongly convicted.

Really ?
That's kinda weird.

What are the odds ?
Two wrongly-convicted guys
sittin' right next to each other.

You received the sentence
the Law required.

Five years...
just for saving my own ass ?

That was a mistake !
The Law doesn't make mistakes.
